Accelerate Your Weight Loss!

Treadmills and ellipticals are the most popular cardio equipment and hours are spent doing low level cardio intensity while watching TV to pass the time and alleviate the boredom. But if you’re looking to accelerate weight loss, research has shown there are more efficient ways to losing weight.

1.      HIIT – High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) alternates high intensity and low intensity exercise to burn calories. But research also shows that if you use the right ratio, you can increase natural  human growth hormone (HGH) which helps burn body fat, build muscle and create more everyday energy. The Sprint 8 routine is just 20 minutes and works for anyone, from beginners to athletes, because the intensity is based on your current fitness level. Going full strength for 30 seconds with a 90 second recovery interval generates significant natural HGH. That’s just 4 minutes of high intensity and you can do anything for 30 seconds!
To learn more about Sprint 8, go to

2.      Weight training – If you think weight training is only for bodybuilders and athletes, think again. You don’t have to bulk up to gain the benefits of weight training. Weight training not only makes you stronger, but it also burns fat even after you’re finished working out. This is called “Excess Post-Exercise Oxygen Consumption,” or EPOC. In other words, the energy required to restore your body to its normal, resting level of metabolic function. Plus weight training helps reduce injuries, resist osteoporosis, and makes everyday movements easier.  The eGym system of strength training makes it so easy to work out properly and in the most effective and fun way.

3.      Nutrition – If you’re looking to lose weight, you already know that diet has a significant impact. But this doesn’t mean you need to eat salads for the rest of your life. Learning what and how much to eat, is an important part of weight loss and overall health. How you modify your diet can also contribute to your success. Eating right isn’t a quick fix. It’s a lifetime of self-care to feel your best.

Make small changes: A complete overhaul can quickly leave you feeling unsatisfied and giving up. Substituting one or two “good” foods for “bad” foods can make it easier and more enjoyable. Trying new food can be a fun adventure!

Learn what and why foods are more nutritious and flavorful: There are many apps that can let you log your food and see how individual items impact your diet.

Meal Prep: If time is a factor, meal prep may be what you need. Dedicating a few hours on the weekend to cook and package meals makes it easy to stick to a nutritious plan and avoids the temptation of quick, unhealthy foods.

Join a weight loss program: the eFitClub Summer Slim program is one of our most effective weight loss plans to date.  92% of all participants have lost 4-10 lbs during the first 30 days on a program that recommends you eat at least every 4 hours!  No deprivation on this plan!

4.      Dedication – Your mind may be the most important factor in weight loss. You need to dedicate yourself to making the effort and changes. While this doesn’t mean beating yourself up whenever you miss a workout or eat something unhealthy, you do need to remember that being healthy is a lifelong choice and it won’t happen without diligence. It won’t happen overnight but it will happen if you stick to it.


Weight loss is not the same for everyone but if you keep in mind all of these factors, you’ll be off to a great start.

Jay McCoog