The Best 5 Exercises to Try at Home

We are all well aware of the global pandemic and government urging us to stay home. You've already binged Netflix, cleaned your whole house twice, and organized the snack cabinet. Now to find the motivation to exercise... Good news is it doesn't have to be hard! The following are 5 easy exercises to try right now- and can even do while you're binge-watching your favorite TV show.

  1. Wall sit
    Movement description: sit with your back against the wall, with feet shoulder-width apart about two feet from the wall. Slide down until your hips are in line with your knees and hold the position.

    Trainer Recommends: 3 sets, 30 seconds

  2. Plank shoulder taps
    Movement description: place hands on the ground shoulder-width apart, directly under the shoulders. Lift knees off the ground, balancing on the toes. The goal is to keep the hips down and the core engaged. Alternate lifting each hand from the ground to tap the opposite shoulder, while maintaining balanced hips.

    Trainer Recommends: 3 sets, 30 seconds

  3. Line jumps
    Movement description: create an imaginary line directly beneath your feet. Swiftly, leap over the line landing with both feet on one side of the line.

    Trainer Recommends: 3 sets, 60 seconds

  4. Toe Taps

    Movement description: stand facing a chair seat or elevated surface. Quickly alternate lifting and tapping the heel on top of the surface. Be sure to pump the arms for a total body exercise.

    Trainer Recommends: 3 sets, 60 seconds

  5. V-up
    Movement Description: Lay back on the floor with arms extended overhead. Exhale as you fold in half lifting both feet and arms to touch in the air.
    Trainer Recommends: 3 sets, 30 seconds

You're done! looking for more home workout routines? Ask our staff at eFitClub for help in accessing our studios' Fitness on Demand App so you can exercise anytime, anywhere!

For a video demo click here


Kristen Hunter